Down Vs Feather Pillows: Which is the Best Option for You?

Using down clusters to stuff pillows is one of the most traditional ways even today. There is no way we get any quality sleep without pillows. Down vs. Feather Pillows what sets them apart? Now you can find both of these fillings from a local Feather and Cane Dealer in UAE . These fillings originally come from ducks and geese but there is a lot more to it than that. Down Vs. Feather Pillows Let us proceed to explore the pillow pond and examine the distinct characteristics that differentiate down pillows from feather pillows: Feather Pillows Because you probably already have a good idea of what feather pillows are, now the feathers that are used in pillows are taken from the wings and the backs of ducks and geese. Feather pillows are usually pretty flat and they need to be fluffed frequently. Down Down also comes from ducks and geese but it comes from their plump underbellies. Also, downs do not have the stiff quills that feathers do, so you are less likely to fee...